8° incidence
7 wavelengths 
0.01% resolution
0.1% accuracy



007. CT7 Console. Easy way to set time (and other parameters)

CT7 is fully featured and operational as a stand alone instrument. 

Nevertheless, setting parameters with joystick and a small display of handheld device, is not as confortable as  typing the values on a PC keyboard.

For this reason, beginning from version 1.00.07 of CT7-Console we have included extended parameters control ( mode Advanced and Expert).

In any mode  you may set the time and date by pressing:

to inject  PC system time and date  to CT7 in one-click action.


Correct time setting is very important for data management.  Each measurement has unique,  absolute and  monotonic serial number. If the measurement time value is not consistent with serial number chronology, CT7 Console may refuse  or devalidate the data.

Advanced mode

The measurement paremeters table has beem extended, edit and write functions added, and internal CT7  processing setting are made available. 

In this note we will talk only about time and date setting.

On CT7 MANAGEMENT screen you may find CONTROL panel allowing to read version, temperature, battery voltage and time from CT7.

In this note we will talk only about time and date setting: you may set them by typing values it into dialogs,and pressing SET TIME buttom, or you may use EXPORT PC TIME to CT7 buttom  to get PC time and set CT7 clock with it's value.

At the end, it a good habit to check the action by reading the time from CT7 ( GET TIME buttom).